FusionFall Wiki

Ranger Melissa in Sector V, from OpenFusion.

The Urban Rangers are an organization in Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall and its fan revivals. They are a form of scout movement that is centered around the Suburbs. Following the beginning of the Fusion Invasion, the Urban Rangers have chosen to oppose Lord Fuse and his invaders from Planet Fusion.[1] Their roles in the war mainly involve defending Peach Creek Commons and its neighborhoods and serving as shopkeepers for soldiers.

The Urban Rangers' standard weapons for their members are the Chocolate Sticks.

List of notable Urban Rangers[]



The Urban Rangers, from Ed, Edd n Eddy.

The Urban Rangers originates from the 1999 Canadian animated television series Ed, Edd n Eddy. In that media, it is a recurring organization in the show. An international boy scout-styled organization with a number of resources at their disposal and a book full of codes and conducts, the Urban Rangers practices good community spirit, disciplin and daring-do in order to master mundane chores. Common activities among them include earning badges by completing anything from common household chores to enduring tortures of excruciating pain, or going on camping trips. An initiate starts out with a "wee roach" rank, but will increase in rank as they earn more badges. The Urban Rangers in the Cul-de-Sac area include their leader Rolf and his rangers Jonny 2x4 and Jimmy.

The Urban Ranger organization is at least fifty years old. In the present day, Rolf and his troop would make up the Urban Rangers in the Cul-de-Sac. Ed, Edd and Eddy once joined the Urban Rangers (Eddy joined the group in order to earn a uniform like theirs), but they were soon dishonorably discharged for failing to earn even a single badge several times. This bad history would bestow Eddy with a deep grudge against the group, prompting him to make a number of attempts to discredit the Urban Rangers, only to get himself, Ed and Edd in traumatizing, painful or otherwise disgraceful situations.


  • If players choose Edd as their Guide, they will get an Urban Ranger ensemble as a part of their Guide Rewards.


  1. OpenFusion (18 August 2020) (PC). Area/level: Peach Creek Commons (The Future). "Ranger Ryan: Urban Rangers say that Fuse has gotta go!"
  2. OpenFusion (18 August 2020) (PC). Area/level: Peach Creek Commons (The Future). "Ranger Chris: I'm the Urban Ranger troop leader. Oooh, look! A bird!"

External links[]
